The Devil Wears Prada Take this movie title literally and dress as a devil with Prada apparel or accessories. Simply wear a cheap red dress and a headband with devil horns and accessorize with high-heeled shoes and a fancy handbag. Write "Prada" in acrylic fabric paint or with a marker somewhere on your dress, shoes or purse.
Juno You can dress as Juno or pair up with a friend or significant other to dress as Juno and her friend, Paulie Bleeker. To dress as Juno, wear an orange and white striped shirt stuffed with newspaper, felt or other clothing to look like a pregnant belly. Complete the look with a dark hoodie, jeans and Converse sneakers and wear your hair in a simple ponytail. To dress as Paulie Bleeker, wear yellow track shorts, yellow wristbands, a yellow headband, a red or burgundy T-shirt and a pair of running shoes. You can decorate the T-shirt with Bleeker's school mascot using yellow acrylic fabric paint. Carry a package of orange Tic-Tacs.
Breakfast at Tiffany's Dress as Audrey Hepburn's character in this classic movie for a more formal movie-inspired costume. Wear a simple black dress, a pair of black pumps or flats and sunglasses. Look for long black gloves, fake pearls and a long cigarette holder at a costume shop. Wear your hair up in a bun.
Superheroes Dress as Superman, Batman, Spider-Man or your favorite hero or villain from a superhero movie. Begin with tights or leggings and a leotard as a base, and attach felt insignias with hot glue. Make a cape and mask out of inexpensive metallic fabric. Superhero costumes work well for groups; gather some friends and dress as a powerful team of superheroes from one or more movies.
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